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Selcomm™ Sales & Provisioning Modules
Responsive order processing is becoming more important to success in the competitive telecommunications market.

Success depends upon efficient management of all stages of the sales process.

Select Software
solution for
sales acquisition,
approval and
Companies are faced with an explosion in the number of sales channels; Dealer, Internet and Virtual Communities to name a few.

Selcomm ™ provides a complete solution.

Selcomm ™ achieves a high level of configurability and inter-operability with external sources by implementing a loosely coupled component based architecture overlaying an advanced XML messaging backbone and leading relational database technology. Software Solutions Time for acquisition, and provisioning
Selcomm ™ may be deployed on a single P.C. or distributed across the globe using the Internet.

Selcomm ™ implements the customers’ business rules using dynamically loadable components. This architecture caters for the rapid implementation of new business rules as well as allowing custom business rules for different marketing channels or promotions.

Major sub-systems within Selcomm ™ communicate using XML message packets adhering to published schemas. This architecture delivers a completely open solution able to communicate easily with legacy, external and supplier systems.

The Selcomm ™ Sales and Provisioning System, in common with all the Selcomm ™ suite of products, is e-mail and fax gateway enabled allowing Customer Service operators to respond to customer e-mails and Provisioning operators to issue Work Requests electronically.
Key Features
Process Orders from multiple channels from a single desk
Supports Multiple Business Units with variable rules engine
Advertising Cost Control with Marketing and Promotions Module
Same day or better dispatch
On-Line Credit Approval
Integrated Credit Card Processing
Automated Service Provisioning including Job Tracking and Network Integration
Real-time Stock and Financial Control
Electronic CRM enabled
Highly configurable
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   SELCOMM™ SUITE    Integrate separate modules into your system or utilise our complete solution

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