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Rating, Tariffing & Billing
Selcomm ™ Modules for
GSM, CDMA, Fixed Line
A fast, reliable rating and tariffing system is critical to accurate and timely billing, arguably one of the most important functions of your business, both for revenue cash flow and customer satisfaction.

Solutions for
call Processing,
discounting and
Invoice Generation
Your ability to create new packages quickly is crucial to stay ahead in this highly competitive industry. With Selcomm ™ advanced call processing, and invoicing modules you can stay ahead of the competition.

Selcomm™ provides a complete solution.

HIGHLY CONFIGURABLE Selcomm ™ billing is built around a flexible product offering that combines call tariffs, charges such as line rental and multiple discounts into a single package for ease of use.
Selcomm™ caters for processing call feeds from variety of sources including GSM, CDMA, Fixed Line and Data Carriers.

Selcomm™ ’s discounting module allows quick and easy configuration of new discounts. Combine eligibilities such as call type, duration, time of day, number or area called to offer limited or unlimited discounted calls.

Bill Printing lets you target your customers with customised formats, messages and inserts sent by paper or electronic media.

Selcomm™ ’s standard reports let you monitor ARPU by package and product, reconcile call processing with the carrier and understand exceptions. Selcomm™ ’s open architecture allows customised reporting.

Selcomm™’s power, scalability and fault tolerance stem from the use of advanced database technologies and modular design.
Key Features
Wide range of tariffs and discount types supported with rapid, table driven configuration
Multiple invoice “brands” within one system
Automated processing means usage records are loaded and tariffed in near real time
Customised Bill Printing with targeted messages, formats and media
Scalable, high performance parallel architecture grows to meet the needs of your business
Multiple Feeds Supported - Each feed is converted into a generic XML format for processing
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   SELCOMM™ SUITE    Integrate separate modules into your system or utilise our complete solution

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