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Selcomm™ Network Carrier Integration
Increased competition is forcing the major networks into shorter product release cycles.
Increased product offerings cause increased Select Software
Solutions answer
to your Network
Integration needs
administrative complexity.

To succeed Service Providers must be able to respond to these increasing and insistent network demands rapidly and safely.

Selcomm™ provides a complete solution.

Selcomm™ achieves redundant, highly scalable performance by implementing a loosely coupled component based application overlaying an advanced XML messaging backbone.

Selcomm™ can be deployed on a single P.C. or on a completely distributed network with least cost routing and guaranteed request delivery.

Major sub-systems within Selcomm™ communicate with the Network Integration System using XML message packets adhering to published schemas. This architecture delivers a completely open solution able to communicate easily with legacy, external and supplier systems.

The Selcomm™ Network Integration System, in common with all the Selcomm™ suite of products, is e-mail and fax gateway enabled facilitating immediate Administrator or automated response to service requests and exceptions.
Key Features
Rapid and safe deployment
Highly scalable using inexpensive technologies
Engineered for maximum fault tolerance
Automated exception escalation and notification achieving cost effective 24x7 operation
Detailed Audit Trails
Easy to use, single desk management consoles
CDMA, GSM and Fixed Line support
Database independent and cross-platform support
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   SELCOMM™ SUITE    Integrate separate modules into your system or utilise our complete solution

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